Title : 6 Hot Tips on How to Get High Ranking in Google
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6 Hot Tips on How to Get High Ranking in Google
Once you have your website ready, the next step is to introduce itto the search engines. There is no point having a wonderful website,but people are still not aware of it due to low ranking by searchengines. Your website may be listed among the few last pages in asearch result with thousands of pages. In order to get high ranks, thekeywords are important.
The titles, Meta tags and the first paragraphis important as well.
Tips to optimize your websites so that they are visible to search engines are:
Usefulcontents- to promote your website, the very first thing that you shouldconsider are the contents, you may have a website with good design andhas penetrated the top lists in search engine results, but if yourcontents are bad people will not come back anymore. You may be able tohit the target traffic, but if you are selling products your sales arenot going anywhere.
Keyphrases- this is critical because it worksto label your website and whenever someone searches using thekeyphrases, the search engines will list your website in the results.The keyphrases should not be too common and preferably they arespecific to what your website is all about. Usually people will paymore attention to keywords, but it is harder to obtain a high rank withkeywords alone. Come up with a number of possible searches and use thebest phrase from the list. There are services available on the internetwhich helps you with choosing keyphrase and keywords, such asWordTracker and KeywordDiscovery.
Titles- the titles for thecontents in your website should not only be visible to people but alsoto the search engines. The rule is to use keyphrases as the titles. Therecommended length of a title is between 15 to 20 words.
Metatags- although one of the biggest search engines does not really payattention to Meta tags, there are other search engines that still dothat. It is still worth the effort to use Meta tags on public pages.Briefly, the Meta tag contains a short description of the webpage.
Firstparagraph- the first paragraph is important as it includes thedescription of the contents in a webpage. It contains the elaboratedversion of the title and Meta tags.
Avoid being classified asspam- there is a long list of don'ts that you should follow to avoidyour website from being classified as a spam. An example is to keep theamount of keyphrases to a maximum of 10 in the contents, title and evenin the Meta tags. Once a website has been classified as spam, thesearch engines will not list it.
The above steps are the majorplayers in getting high ranking by the search engines. It is pointlessto create a wonderful website with good contents when there is only asmall amount of people who knows about it due to low ranking by searchengines. Thus, to generate a large traffic to your website, you willhave to promote your website to the search engines before anything else.
Article Tags: High Ranking, Meta Tags, Search Engines
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