Title : Break Up Recovery - Most Essential Things to Do After a Break Up
Link : Break Up Recovery - Most Essential Things to Do After a Break Up
Break Up Recovery - Most Essential Things to Do After a Break Up
Original article can be read at: http://www.sajuonline.com/Pages/Articles/relationship/Break-up-advice/break-up-recovery-advice-page1.htm
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You having managed to move on with your life somehow doesnt mean thatyou recovered successfully from the break up. You might end up spendingseveral years hopelessly thinking about your ex and cursing yourmistakes. Our target should be the shortest time-span of pain and beingable to move on to a happier life than ever before. Following thesethings in your life can definitely help you in that.Be strong and courageous:
Being strong doesnt mean being insensitive, non-sentimental orheartless. A person who is strong faces a situation calmly instead ofrunning away from it. If you want to be one of that kind, boldly facethe break up situation. Never create unwanted emotional scenes inpublic. Face the world with a smile even if there is a storm inside.
If you and your ex girlfriend/boyfriend happen to meet after the breakup and if the person is childish he/she might perform a variety ofshow-offs in front of you simply to hurt your ego. There lies a singlesolution- Ignore. Visualizing your ex as a kid can let you laugh atthese petty show offs. If you are lucky enough to have an ex whohandles situations in a mature way, your pain will be considerably lowduring the process of break up recovery.
Ventilate your feelings before you move forward:
Even after your contacts with the person are gone after the break up,there may be one huge load of emotional stuff that you need toventilate. Since the significant one who used to be always there foryou, has already gone and is now the reason for your pain, you have tocount on your friends and family for support. Select the best of yourfriends and ventilate your feelings. Cry if you feel like crying. Laughif you feel like laughing. Ventilate yourself completely. Make surethat you dont do this in public. Try to make this phase as short aspossible, or most likely your friends and family will get bored hearingthe same thing again and again.
Stop feeling guilty:
You are not the one who ditched someone. You were the one who gotdumped. So you have no reason for being guilty. You might have made athousand mistakes in the past. The question is whether you were readyto change and correct them. Have you expressed your apology andwillingness for change to your ex? If so, your role in the play istotally over. You have done all that you could do. Now the ball is inthe other court. Anything that can be done to this relationship can bedone only by your ex, since you have already done all that you coulddo. Remember the temple example. You - the single pillar alone cannothold the temple from falling.
Never let your self-esteem go down:
Your self-esteem might have to face a serious blow after gettingdumped. A thousand questions popping out of nowhere virtually makes youdoubt your own self-worth. The break up situation gets worse if your exsimply walked away without even showing concern to explain things-directly, through a phone call or atleast through an email. You mightfeel like being in the center of a tornado of emotions where yourfriends, collegues, everyone starts throwing questions at you.
How ever depressing the situation be, never let your self-esteem godown because of this break up. Rely on your true friends and let themknow that you need help. Friends can give you enormous support duringthese times. They can boost your self-esteem, get you engaged andhappy. Use this time to do all the things you have always wanted to do.
Go to the gym and pump some iron. It will keep your hormones undercheck and also gives you a physique you can be proud of. Try on adifferent hair style, hair colour or what ever you like. Flirt, makefriends and go to parties more often. If you are the one who gotdumped, you have no reason to feel guilty in doing anything. Trulyenjoy every moment of your life.
Gain Inspiration from the fall:
Did you know that love failures can be a very good inspiring force thatdrives creativity in artists, poets and writers? Even I could write atouching story after my break up and is now working on an elaboratenovel. So why cant you do the same? Try expressing your pain throughsome form of creativity. It gives ventilation to your feelings. Writeeverything down. Ignore faces for a moment or the pain it would causeto them. Simply put them down on the paper.
You can also make a very strong commitment on your career. You canprove yourself by being successful in front of your unworthy ex whodumped you. Have you not heard the saying that Behind everymanssuccess, there is a woman? (also behind suicides) Why cant you fulfillthis proverb in your own way? Turn your love failure into yourinspiring force.
Get busy with life:
Dont spend time alone. The best way to avoid this is to develophobbies. Learn something new - I started learning violin after mybreakup. Dont think that you are not in a mood now. Your mood dependson your actions, thoughts and surroundings. You can change the firsttwo. And ofcourse you can get out of the last one - surroundings. Neverlock up inside your room. Try to avoid love-related movies and soapserials. (Watch breakup movies or action thrillers instead). Sameapplies to music.
Travel a lot with friends:
Avoid places you used to visit with your ex. Visit new places with yourfriends. Look around to see how beautiful, gorgeous and numerous arepeople of the opposite sex out there. You might have missed an eel, butit doesnt mean that you wont catch a whale
Article Tags: Doesnt Mean, Might Have
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